Friday, 14 March 2008

At the UJIA

'Despite and because' explains Doug Krikler: despite all the terrifying politics of the Middle East and the appalling violence, and also precisely because of it, the UJIA and many organisations in Israel continue to be creative, continue to work for life and coexistence. The UJIA is focussing on benefiting all communities in the north. I learn that enrollment at Tel Hai College is up 40% because of this ideology. 'There are two narratives', explains James Libson, 'One which you read about in the papers, the other the optimism and spirit on the ground'.

I ask to here about the UJIA's projects and am fascinated to learn about the Green Thread, a threefold commitment to the environment, especially in the North of Israel, through exploring development opportunities in green businesses, through social actiobn and through education for the environment. David Janner-Klausner comes to the UJIA from working for the environment and we look forward together to when groups going to Israel for longer periods of time will travel by train and ship.

We are presented by the UJIA with a cheque for £5,000 for Noam to develop a project related to a theme emerging from my walk. Simon Davies and I look at each other as if we are both going to cry.

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